Atem wishes happy new year!

Atem wishes happy new year!

All the Atem staff expresses their wishes for 2022 to both our partners and customers. 2022 should be the last chapter of the international pandemic. Mutual assistance, solidarity, reliability will be the driving words for this new year with the target to make our business model more flexible and inclusive.

2021 was the year to the return to balance, we hope that 2022 will allow Atem to find the same level of activities as before the pandemic crisis. In spite of persistent flat activities for long-haul flights which boosts the aeronautic activities of the company, defence sector should remain dynamic and we plan to take advantage of the last RAFALE victories on the export market. We also hope new programmes such as the most expected 1st launch of the European launcher ARIANE6.

Through 2022, Atem will tackle challenges:
- The end of the BoostProd programme which is labelled “France Relance”: more than 1 million dedicated to the modernisation of the production capabilities of both VN Composites and Atem
- The growth of VN Composites with the launching of its new website. We expect to enhance the Atem offer thanks to the new capabilities of VN Composites and also develop R&D activities for the development of highly technical composites for very specific applications
- The first success of our perimeter intrusion detection systems to enhance the security of sensitive sites
- The beginning of our PhD about the development of embedded millimeter radar for aeronautic platform protection, which is the heart of our microwave and radiofrequency systems roadmap
- The R&D project to develop rooming system for quantum revolution and its future scale-up, which is the future of Atem

We deeply hope that 2022 will be the reborn of international exhibitions which are strategic for the development of Atem and when we plan to present our new corporate movie.

We remain optimistic for the future of Atem and keep on enhancing our offer with more and more added value dedicated to our partners and customers: their challenges are still inspiring us!



Atelier de Transmission Electro-Magnétique
