Since 1990, ATEM has get the trust of the French key players in defence thanks to our know-how and RF & microwave expertise. Our products and services (tailor-made approach) are at the state of the art to answer the expectations of our clients.
The In-Flight-Entretainment and Connectivity businness (international scope), the future major European defence programmes such as SCAF, Eurodrone which require more and more connectivity , the new European Defence Fund urge the company to tackle these European and international stakes. “Today international market represents around 10% of our turnover thanks to the international selling of French defence programs. W e do not exist by ourselves in international whereas our supplier basis is really international.” Says Gregory Golf, the strategy and development manager. “Our goal is to realize 30% of our turnover at an international level in the next 3 years”.
ATEM has therefore chosen to join the Sud-Export project launched by the Sud-Export team. “This is a 24 months program to attend international missions and exhibitions that we probably do not attend without this financial grant”, precises Gregory Golf. “At the end of 2019, we have already attended 2 Business France missions in Spain and Germany which have given a global overview of these markets and allow us to meet the main actors for us and identify the priorities. We also attended the last Defence & Aerospace meetings in Turino to initiate the first promising exchanges with the Italiano key players”.
With Europe, North America is the other main international target for ATEM. With its subsidiary in Canada, ATEM would like to become a trustful partner of Wi-Fi on board suppliers which are mostly American for both comercial and business jet markets. Thanks to this Sud-Export project, ATEM would like to boost its growth in international and become an international RF & microwave actor.
ATEM boosts its international development with Europe as the 1st step !
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