QRYOLink: the next generation of cabling system for cryogenic quantum!

QRYOLink: the next generation of cabling system for cryogenic quantum!

QRYOLink Team project picture during the kick-off meeting in Voreppe (Radiall) the 13th September 2022

From left to right side : Eric Mercier (CEA Leti), Claude Brocheton (RADIALL), Olivier Exshauw (CNRS – Institut Néel), Bruno Hennetier (Atem), Laurent Petit (RADIALL), Guillaume Desaché (CRYOCONCEPT), Loic Viguerie (CRYOCONCEPT), Robert Whitney (CNRS – UPMC), Grégory Golf (Atem), Paul Magnard (Alice&Bob), Hamza El Amrani (Atem), Pierre Desjardins (C12)


The French government has decided to support the Research & Development program QRYOLink (Quantum cRYOgenic Link) thanks to I-DEMO grants and repayable advances, through Bpifrance. The total QRYOLink budget is close to 8 million euros for a duration of 54 months. This project aims at designing and developing the next generation of microwave cabling system for cryogenic quantum machines, to enable their scale-up from a few qubits today to one million physical qubits at the end of the project.

Quantum computing promises to be a technologic revolution. Quantum computers will be able to solve complex problems which are out of the scope of today’s most powerful super-computers. However, transforming this promising technology into a reality will require industrial breakthroughs in other domains such as cryogenics, control electronics or microwave cabling… These “enabling technologies” are at the heart of the QRYOLink project, making it part of the French national quantum initiative and belong to the large-scale quantum roadmap.

Both industrial sovereignty and technological superiority are driving factors to push the research and development activities of the consortium. The project’s goals are to increase significantly the number of microwave lines within a cryostat, to increase the signal flow within each line, and reduce heat loads, by developing industrial and competitive technologies. To reach these goals, complementary strategies will be implemented: experimental approaches, experiment-based simulation of quantum architectures, and a fundamental approach to optimize the overall energy and resource consumption of quantum computing. The developed technology will be qubit-type independent to answer the needs of the whole cryogenic quantum ecosystem.

QRYOLink gathers all the French quantum hardware value chain to reach its ambitious goals. All the partners and their main contributions to the project are listed below.

About Alice & Bob
Alice & Bob is a start-up whose goal is to realize the first universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer thanks to its core technology: dissipative cat qubits on superconducting devices. Within the project, Alice & Bob will bring its expertise on engineering cryogenic microwave cablings for quantum devices, and will play the role of a specifier.
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About Atem
Atem is a French SME which designs and builds tailor-made coax cable assemblies for RF and microwave applications for both aeronautic and military markets. Atem helps their customers to choose the rightful RF components for their applications. Atem leads also engineering studies to conceive complex RF and microwave subsystems for embedded systems or RF test benches. Integrity signal, phase matching, reducing insertion loss, signal controls are Atem’s know-how which are used for the QRYOLink project. Atem is the leader of the QRYOLink project.
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About C12
C12 is leading the next materials leap in quantum computing. C12 is a spin-off from ENS launched in January 2020 by twin brothers Matthieu and Pierre Desjardins to supercharge the development of the lab’s promising new quantum technology. Unlike other quantum computers, C12 uses carbon nanotubes as the fundamental building block of their processor. By combining the power of an ultra-pure material with an easy-to-manufacture semiconductor device, they are building a scalable platform for quantum computing.
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About CEA
CEA-Leti, a technology research institute at CEA, is a global leader in miniaturization technologies enabling smart, energy-efficient and secure solutions for industry. Founded in 1967, CEA-Leti pioneers micro-& nanotechnologies, tailoring differentiating applicative solutions for global companies, SMEs and startups. CEA-Leti tackles critical challenges in healthcare, energy and digital migration. From sensors to data processing and computing solutions, CEA-Leti’s multidisciplinary teams deliver solid expertise, leveraging world-class pre-industrialization facilities. With a staff of more than 1,900, a portfolio of 3,100 patents, 11,000 sq. meters of cleanroom space and a clear IP policy, the institute is based in Grenoble, France, and has offices in Silicon Valley and Tokyo. CEA-Leti has launched 70 startups and is a member of the Carnot Institutes network.
CEA has a key role in transferring scientific knowledge and innovation from research to industry. This high-level technological research is carried out in particular in electronic and integrated systems, from microscale to nanoscale. It has a wide range of industrial applications in the fields of transport, health, safety and telecommunications, contributing to the creation of high-quality and competitive products
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Cryoconcept designs and manufactures ultra-low temperature refrigerators for fundamental research and quantum computing. Making quantum computers achieve their full potential for the benefit of society will require technological breakthroughs so that they can have high levels of power at low temperature. A subsidiary of Air Liquide, world leader in gases and services for industry and health, Cryoconcept relies on several of the Group’s technology bricks in order to achieve this breakthrough. The need of cooling power for quantum computer is largely due to the heat loads brought by the cabling needed to control the quantum bits, hence the need to find innovative solutions for cabling with QRYOLink project.
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About CNRS NEEL Institute
The NEEL Institute, a CNRS laboratory founded in 2007, is a fundamental research unit in condensed matter physics, enriched by interdisciplinary activities at the interface of both chemical engineering and biology. The NEEL Institute has strong expertise in measuring the transport of nanostructures in extreme environments (low noise, low temperature and high magnetic field). In recent years, the NEEL Institute has acquired high-level expertise in the field of quantum manipulation of individual electrons, both for charge and for spin. They have demonstrated their expertise in spin measurement, spin manipulation and the rapid transfer of a single electron between distant quantum dots. In addition, the NEEL Institute has a highly competent infrastructure, particularly in the field of RF electronics in a cryogenic environment and nanofabrication. This is a major asset for the realization of QRYOLink
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RADIALL is an innovative company that designs, develops and manufactures electronic components for civil aeronautics, defense, telecommunications and industrial applications. For 70 years, its development strategy has been built on innovation and industrial excellence addressing in particular the most demanding requirements in terms of environmental constraints (military, space, instrumentation) and now quantum technologies. RADIALL's expertise will be used in the QRYOLink project for the development and qualification of microwave components (switches attenuator), wired coaxial connectors for PCB, cable assembly and microwave and multiphysics expertise.
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Atelier de Transmission Electro-Magnétique
